**WARNING: Picture-heavy and ramble-heavy post below**
"You're a good for nothin', lazy, bum of a blogger!"
In my mind, that's what you've all been thinking. In reality, it's probably more something like this:
"Who? thekenlong? Did he even have a blog? Seriously...who/what are you talking about?"
Yeah...that's probably more like it. It's been over a month since I've taken a serious stab at taking a picture of the day. Or updated my blog. Or really even
wanted to update my blog. Not entirely true, but it's an easy habit to get out of completely if you're not careful. And I haven't been careful at all.
The honest truth is that I have been
busy lazy distracted lately and other things have taken priority over updating my blog. At first, it was a fun day trip to
Epcot. I even took a picture or two myself:
There has been A LOT of this:
For the un-initiated, those are callouses developing on the ends of my fingers from learning how to play the guitar. I've been taking professional lessons for a little over a month and am actually getting pretty decent from all the practice. Seriously...I haven't been this dedicated to learning something in a VERY long time. I'm sure my wife and kids will vouch for me on this one.
I spend about an hour (sometimes two) each day going over chord charts, practicing scales, picking patterns. It's insane, exhilarating and personally super-satisfying all at the same time.
Mixed in there have been mini road trips...
Oh, the irony (take a moment to see prohibited item #1 in the first picture compared to what was actually found INSIDE the park).
There have been really fun and super-awesome Long family Sunday outings...
This is a crap picture, but oh-so-necessary. |
I say all of that to simply say this...I'm almost back.