There have been a few times in my life where the simplest thing has changed...well, everything. Perspective shifted. Theology formed. A heart warmed.
I can still vividly remember when my theology about prayer and God's specific care for my every need cemented when a quarter fell out of my wallet.
Or when I discovered that my own little, seemingly insignificant role mattered when two teenagers called to tell me that I had encouraged them and that they were so grateful for me.
Or the moment I encountered the reality that God, as a Father, is perfect in His tenderness toward me as my infant son tightly grasped my left index finger.
For me, God thunders in the softest moment. His love and affection sirens through the quietest room. I know it's not the same for everyone.
Today, it's one of those days. There's no possible way I could have gone quicker from ground level to soaring heights than I did today. That trip took me about 3 seconds. As long as it took to read (and then fully comprehend) the text from my wife. I won't go into details, but today, we got exactly what we needed. We prayed for it yesterday. And today it came. And it came with a simple "we love you". Whoa.
Certainly, I'm not naive enough to believe that everyone's own personal paradigm shifts the same way. We're all very different and unique individuals and are shaped and formed in very different and unique ways. For me, though, it's a very good day. I wanted today. I needed today.
How about you? What "little" big moments have shaped you? What "huge" big moments have done the same? I'd love to hear about it.