There's a site I visit every day— I can spend hours on this site at any given moment because of the absolutely insane things people put on their favorite social network. There's the too much informations, the typos, epic wins, and my favorite of all...the hijacked status.
I think we've all had this at some point or another. We innocently post a comment or status update and, before we know it, our status has been hijacked and turned into something aberrantly foreign to its initial intent. A post about doorknobs turns into and anti-war discussion. Posting a favorite scripture turns into a theological smack-down with no winners and spiritually bloodied noses. Annoying as it may be to some, I derive loads of fun when I see stuff like this. There's something tangible and truly conversational about it. In an online world dominated by quickie blips and blurbs that rarely delve deeper than the shallow and superficial, the hijack allows our social-media life to become as close to the real thing as possible.
Hijack away, I say. Let's do our best to go deeper—to gravitate towards real and normal conversations. Let's go back to that front porch landscape dotted with interjections and rabbit trails and red herrings and just good ol' fashioned (and sometimes rudely funny) interruptions, for crying out loud. And, while you're at it, laugh a little and enjoy the moments when your neatly contained cyberspace is inhabited by the unpredictable humanity of us just being us. And read this for a glimpse at one of my all time favorites. I really don't think you'll be disappointed.