Rush, rush, rush...take a picture. Oh, cool. I can use that.
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tennis, anyone?
Recently, however, the lovely bride has become hooked on touristing, as she calls it. Basically, it's about finding different things to do where you live and then experiencing them just as a tourist might. This has led to Sunday excursions, the occasional trip to the (gasp!) beach and new and different restaurants in the area.
OK...long story longer...
Friday nights are date nights for the husband/wife Long. Typically, a movie. Except there were absolutely NO movies we wanted to see this week. At all. Earlier this week, as we're driving around running some errands, we stumbled across Old Northeast Tavern. Loved the location and loved the look of the place, so we settled it...this would be our date night destination.
The place was everything we could have hoped for...Turkey and strawberry sandwiches, sliders, pinot noir, and Magic Hat #9. Quintessential tavern food. We even found some friends hanging out there as well.
Lovely evening. Nearby is North Shore Park and we decided to tourist away, even though it was dark. I still hadn't found my picture of the day and figured I would once again be running around the house trying to find something interesting to capture at 11:00 at night.

Friday, April 29, 2011
119/365...Tennis, anyone?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
This toy accordion is the bane of the family dog, Rex's existence. Anytime we play with it, goes nuts. Naturally, we do this all the time.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
116/365...Plaid tie optional
I catch some flack from time to time when I wear it, but I really don't mind. It's me and it's nothing offensive...just a little off-kilter and different. The funniest thing was when I wore it to a concert on New Year's Eve and someone at the venue asked me a question about the food as if I was a waiter. I guess I asked for that one, though.
Monday, April 25, 2011
115/365...Falling Slowly
Here is a capture of the sheet music to one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies, Once. If you haven't already, please please, PLEASE see it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011
114/365...Coloring eggs?
Saturday, April 23, 2011
My Easter
Don't get me wrong, I love the spiritual emphasis and reflection that we, as Christians, engage in each year. But it also means weeks of prep work, building four or five weeks of song lists that point to the person, ministry and work of Christ. It means a 5:30 AM alarm and solid "stuff" to do from 6:45 AM until around 12:00 PM.
You know what? I love it all. I sincerely do. I love what I do as my part-part-part-time job. I love the people, the excitement, the anticipation and celebration and all the details that go on behind the scenes. I love hanging out at Guitar Center for an hour or two on Saturday morning picking up cords and wires and looking at all the goodies there so we can seamlessly pull off a block party/easter egg hunt/concert the day before Easter. I love the kids hunting easter eggs as well as the stuffing and hiding of the same eggs. And I love all the extra chocolate Easter brings.

Friday, April 22, 2011
112/365...Boys at play

Thursday, April 21, 2011
111/365...Dusty guitar
Easter Sunday, 2010. I bought this wonderful guitar. I know exactly 3 chords. One year, three chords. And that's why the guitar is so dusty.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
We've recently become a family of Apple products. This started with my iPod. Then we moved to the iPhones. The iPad was next and, finally, my lovely bride's MacBook Pro. It's official, we're an Apple family.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011
108/365...Peter Grimm
I love this hat. I got it in South Dakota last summer and it reminds me of the blasty blast we had in the Black Hills. It's about time to dust it off and start wearing it again.
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hope, or a girl with a non-green thumb
One thing we love about being part of the Vineyard church we attend is that we host a home group. Basically, a weekly gathering of friends where we can more informally talk, laugh, cry and just be ourselves.
With a house overrun with boys, cleaning and getting ready every Wednesday night is no easy task for my beloved other. Usually, around 5:00, I'm frantically pitching to finish things up, which almost always includes sweeping the porch and walkway up to our little house. Last week, I began to notice a trend. We (meaning, my beautiful and ravishing bride) have a collection of dead plants on our porch. Not dying. Not "wow, this one's looking pretty ragged". Not just seen better days. Dead. For the sake of reference, here is (part of) the current murdered row I found on our porch:
So, I asked her.
And the response was everything I could have already predicted after 20 years together and nearly 16 years of wedded bliss; a combo platter of thrift and eternal optimism. Thrift, because so many of the pots are "too cute to discard" mixed with "Do you know how much I paid for that plant because I loved the pot so much?"
And eternal optimism that someway, somehow, the deceased plant will pull through and eventually make it. You know what? I get it. I totally do. She's an optimistic chick, somehow always discovering and discerning the good stuff. I actually am, too, which is probably why we are so MFEO. If you know us well, we may sometimes irritate you with our collective positive vibe, but we can't really help it...we are wired to hope. We cannot help but expect awesome.
Is it always awesome? Are things always incredible? Not really, if we honestly examine circumstance. But, there's always hope. And a healthy dose of hope can make just about anything pretty awesome. With all that said, the almost/nearly/as-door-nails dead plants still sit on our porch, left alone, biding their time, expectant. Full of promise, potential and armed with a super-sized heaping of hope.
Monday, April 11, 2011
101/365...The other
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
098/365...Bumper cars

Thursday, April 7, 2011
097/365...Friends of Giants
Here's the link to the article:
Friends of Giants: Faith in their music pays off
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
096/365...I love lamp
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
095/365...Jacob's ladder?

Son of a beach!
The Long family went to the beach. Twice. In one week.
In case you don't know, the Longs aren't too fond of Florida beaches. I should rephrase: Mom and dad Long aren't too fond of Florida beaches. Son and son Long are just fine with the beach. All of my northern or bad weather readers should put down their rotten vegetables and hear me out on this.
Florida (more specifically, gulf coast) beaches suck. It's that simple. Codos or motels or other ugly concrete monstrosities are built nearly right up to the water. The water pushes 90 degrees in the summer and the sand is very rocky and sticky. And the water is a weird brownish-green-gray color, preventing you from seeing anything past 6 inches deep. The don't get to experience the terror of seeing when a shark/stingray/jellyfish attacks you. It's a total surprise! I'm
Back to this past week. Last Wednesday, we we went to the sweet 16 of the coolest teenager we know. At the beach. Ugh! But, we love her and her family dearly and did it. We went to the beach. Pics or it didn't happen? Here's the proof: